i find the whole israel palestine thing baffling. on one side you have a bunch of uncivilized barbarians killing people. on the other side you have a bunch of uncivilized barbarians killing people. the difference apparently is we like one group and give them stuff that makes them strong. it seems to be a part of the culture that you have to prove you're strong. even when you're weak. especially when you're weak. so you provoke the the guy who really is strong into beating you up. if you survive, you're strong. follow? i bet if we stopped supporting our favorite bunch of uncivilized barbarians and started supporting the other bunch of uncivilized barbarians, things would be exactly the same. ie the weak-but-used-to-be-strong bunch of uncivilized barbarians would provoke the strong-but-used-to-be-weak bunch of uncivilized barbarians until they get sick of it and beat them up. thus proving that they're strong. nice mess. well, whatever. it's the other side of the world. and it gives us a place to try out new weapons we've made.