embryonic stem cells
it's a good thing we can get stem cells from sources other than human embryos. cheaper and faster if i understand things correctly. folks can straighten their bunched up panties. maybe we can have this discussion rationally now. an aborted fetus is a dead human being. we've been harvesting organs from dead people for a very long time. being an organ donor is considered one of the most selfless altruistic acts one person can do for another. some choose to donate their bodies to science when they're done with them. that weirds me out a bit. but i guess doctors in training need to practice on something. one thing we don't allow, is the harvesting of organs from criminals we've executed. china does this. not a good idea by western standards. the potential for abuse is just a bit too much for comfort. and we don't allow organs to be bought or sold. anywho, i'm thinking the same line of reasoning that applies to dead human adults should apply to dead human embryos. the guardian can donate, but not sell, its little organs and stem cells to whoever wants them. provided of course, the little dead embryo wasn't executed by abortion.