complex fracture
ben went to the orthopedic specialist the other day. he came home with his forearm in a massive splint contraption. he has to wear it for six weeks. with follow up appointments every two weeks. apparently the complex fracture of the proximal phalange of his right index finger is more serious than we thought. or maybe it's economics. the opportunity presented itself for the health care provider to bill my insurance company for premium services. so they did. harumph. they didn't teach about complex fractures when i was a cub scout. i guess it's when you take a lobster shell cracker wrench thing to a human bone. anywho, i'm still not convinced that immobilization is best medicine. anecdotal observations from 20+ years in a wrestling room, injuries heal faster and better if you get them into normal range of motion in controlled and protected situations as soon as possible. injuries that are immobilized need to be rehabilitated. a lot. which requires a level of discipline not usually found in normal humans. immobilized incompletely rehabilitated injuries tend to be re-injured and become chronic. anywho. what do i know? heh. i know what i've done to my body. either i've been really lucky, i'm an indestructible mutant freak, or i know what i'm talking about.