ben's a boy scout. damn. where does the time go? scouting is cool. it's an exclusive club. literally. it excludes girls, gays, and atheists. girls represent 50% of the population. which means girls have sufficient numbers to make their own alternatives. gays and atheists on the other hand, are small minorities. or at least, we think so. the supreme court has ruled that since bsa is a private club and doesn't get public funding it can make whatever rules it wants. so some people can't play reindeer games. there was a short fat dude with a big mouth going on and on about this particular topic. i think i'll accuse him of being gay. and threaten to kick him out of scouting. should be fun. anywho, the scouts are planning to go to another national park next month. so the new scouts were being taught to pitch tents. hey wait. national parks are maintained with public funds. heh. i wonder if anyone has argued in court that organizations that use national parks are in effect accepting public funding. and so would be subject to anti-discrimination laws. hrm.