anyone who's opposed to spanking children should coach little league baseball. or any other sport that has safety rules to keep kids from getting hurt. sheehs. recently, we had a player pick up a bat in the dugout (breaking a safety rule), wander out of the dugout (breaking a safety rule), turn his back on the batter (breaking a safety rule), and get creamed by a line drive foul ball. i'm absolutely certain we've gone over those safety rules ad nauseum. yet they still weren't followed. why not? i found myself prepping a lecture along the lines of, does someone have to get hurt before you start complying with the safety rules? and ding! the light went on. this age group learns by positive feedback and by negative feedback. ie hit the ball, win the game. positive feedback. turn your back on the batter, get hit by a line drive. negative feedback. now, we can't really give a player a treat for performing the simple trick of staying in the freaking dugout until it's their turn at bat. and if we can't swat em with a switch then they never learn the rule. unless of course they wake up in the er with a killer headache.