at one of g's games over memorial weekend, one of the players hit a foul ball. i caught it and threw it back. then they announced, remember if you catch a fly ball you get a free coffee or ice cream at the snack shack. i don't drink coffee. and it was very unlikely they had ice cream free of corn syrup poison. but they really seemed like they wanted me to go claim my prize. so i dragged b along. he chose an ice cream sandwich made of frozen corn syrup. it was $1. so i made a donation. right about the time that got devoured another foul ball comes over the fence. i caught that too. sort of a fade back and catch it over my shoulder all star move. it was near the end of the game. so i went and got another ice cream sandwich. this time for g. and i made another $1 donation. fortunately there were different people working the shack at the time. i didn't think they'd believe that i'd caught *another* foul fly ball and deserved *another* free ice cream sandwich.