health care
lessee, if i was president, my health care reform thing would go something like this. a) not mandatory. sheehs. if people either don't want or don't need health care they shouldn't have it forced down their throats. b) basic care should effectively be free. like stitches, broken bones, re-hydration, etc. but only minimal cost effective treatments. c) in exchange for getting free services you give up the right to sue. d) hospitals have the right to throw your ass out if you try to abuse the system. e) people can upgrade their coverage out of their own pocket through health care providers. this pays for the freebies. f) upscale hospitals who don't want their elite clientele contaminated by the unwashed masses can pay the downscale hospitals to do it for them. yes, this is sort of a two tiered system. but effectively, that's what we already have. so might as well formalize it and make it efficient.