i read a summary of a couple of reports about traffic. the jist is that there are rule followers and rule breakers. and that for optimal traffic flow you want about 40% rule breakers. i guess by their definition i'm a rule breaker. the rule followers drive the same speed as the other cars around them and tend to form platoons of slow moving cars. the rule breakers tend to cut off the rule followers and break up the platoons. which allow everyone to get home more efficiently. so yeah. honk your horn at me buddy. i'll take it as what it should be, a thank you. anywho, they also said don't break the three second rule. oh no. can't do that. sheehs. makes me a bit concerned about the first result. the classic 3s rule assumes the only information you have available comes from watching the car directly in front of you. in reality, you can see several cars ahead. you can safely tailgate, ie break the 3s rule, if you watch the cars that are three seconds ahead of you. i know that and you know that. but does the guy on your bumper know that? really doesn't matter. cause he can break hard and stop in time. the 3s rule is there to keep the second tailgater from smashing into the first. so all you rule followers should not slam on the brakes to discourage tailgating. wait till someone's tailgating your tailgater. heh. be safe.