should you care about your carbon footprint? well, yes. but not for the reasons you think. consider haiti. it shares an island with the dominican republic. years ago haiti blew through its natural resources with reckless abandon. today they're one of the poorest nations on earth. the dr on the other hand set up strict rules for managing their resources. they're not what you'd call a rich country. but they're doing okay. now consider the world. we're currently consuming our resources with reckless abandon. the poster child here is oil. so do you want the entire world to follow in haiti's footsteps? i'm betting not. so we humans need to manage our footprint upon this earth. that's really a very tall order. so simplify. manage the carbon footprint. it's a whole lot easier to track. and it's a reasonable proxy for the whole footprint. carbon or otherwise. so by this logic sequestering carbon is a waste of precious resources.