so b went camping for labor day weekend with the boy scouts. he had a blast. was kinda tired and grumpy when he got home. hungry too. they stopped for lunch on the long drive home. and he didn't get anything to eat. he didn't have any money. he left his backpack outside the tent the night before. and it was gone in the morning. along with oh about $200 worth of brand new camping gear. yeah the money's an ouch. but the real pain is going to be replacing all that stuff. it came from 8 different stores scattered around the bay area. sheehs. if i find the person who swiped b's pack i'm gonna give them $200 and take their shoes. and make em walk from store to store barefoot re-purchasing everything. and if they miss out on sale prices, well too bad for them. they can make up the difference out of their own pockets. sheehs. there is a very special hell for people who steal from scouts.