health care
so what's really wrong with our current health care system? it works pretty darn good for most people. people who can afford coverage are happy. people who can't afford it generally get some level of treatment pro bono. the first failed group is a sliver of the population who are not rich enough to afford to buy coverage and not poor enough to get serviced for free. actually this sliver is pretty big. cause it includes most people who work for small companies and are self-employed. coverage is expensive because the employer can't afford to contribute. the employee has to foot the whole bill. seems like this would be a fine spot for government intervention. either by requiring insurance companies to cover this group and subsidize it themselves. or for the government to pick up the tab directly. the second failed group is people with pre-existing conditions whose coverage has lapsed. possibly because they got sick or injured and couldn't work and couldn't afford to maintain cobra or it ran out. tragic. it would also be noble of us to cover these folks too. the hard part is figuring out how to pay for it. i vote for magic.