okay suppose i was leader of the secret world government. just suppose. cause i'm not. really. right. so a flunky comes in with a reliable and accurate assessment that peak oil is in a couple of decades. the world's economies are on fire. partly because the oil producers are lying their asses off about how much oil they'll be producing in the future. reality's gonna kick in real soon. and hard. oil prices will skyrocket. the red hot economies will turn ice cold. entire industries will shut down. many economies will collapse. and governments with em. there'll be wars for food water and basic necessities. unless of course the secret world government intervenes. what should we do? it's pretty obvious really. we need to cool off the economies. the easiest way to do that is to raise the price of energy. and the easiest way to do that is to start a war in the middle east. a small but incredibly expensive war. but sheehs. who'd be stupid enough to do that? hey! check out this candidate for president of the united states. course he'll need a little help actually getting elected. maybe even fraud. but we're the secret world government. we can do that no problem. heh. okay, so back to reality. it's enough to make one believe in god. or a secret world government.