taxes this year are gonna suck. and by suck i mean we'll be in the 35% total tax range. which is about 2x our normal rate. why? well... we all know taxes are totally screwed up. but rarely do we get an opportunity to see *exactly* how screwed up. i explain. we sold off a bunch of losers from our stock portfolio this year. ie a real loss. at least for every purpose other than taxes. we didn't sell off any winners. so we can only claim a tiny fraction of the loss against our income. screwed. but that's not all. we exercised iso stock i got when i started at onlive. we have to pay amt on the profit we would make on it if we immediately sold it. which we didn't. nor do we want to. nor can we. it's a privately held company. double screwed. did you follow that? we are charged for imaginary income. but can't claim a real loss.