if science were easy everyone would be a scientist. let me see if i can make an analogy that works to clear up some confusion about mercury.
there are two types of alcohol. ethyl alcohol is made from hops and grapes and makes a tasty beverage. methyl alcohol is a deadly poison. it's kinda important to understand the difference.
there are two types of mercury: ethyl mercury is metabolized and discarded efficiently by everything bigger than a microbe. said property makes it an effective preservative. methyl mercury builds up and builds up to toxic levels where it's a deadly poison. it's kinda important to understand the difference.
there's also good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. thiomersal is the good mercury. the stuff we're worried about in fish is the bad mercury. unfortunately, there's been so much confusion of the two that people are afraid to get life improving vaccines. denmark stopped using thiomersal nearly 15 years ago. if thiomersal really caused autism you'd expect the affliction to be non-existent there. but no. the opposite really. incidience of autism is on the rise. just like everywhere else.
let's stop persecuting an innocent. let's buckle down and find the real criminal in this case. cause it's still out there. doing horrific things to more children every year. k?