global warming stopped. it's true. i read it on the internet. if you fit a line to temperatures from 1999 to 2008 it's flat. no warming. crisis is over. skeptics won. neener neener. go buy an suv. heh. funny thing though. if you do the same thing for a 9 year window, or an 11 year window, instead of a 10 year window, you get a line with a positive slope. ie a warming trend. a small warming trend. why? turns out that 1999 was exceptionally hot. anomalies happen. it's a mistake to make predictions without taking them into account. if we look at the 10 year window that ends in 1999, we find a very steep upward trend. it's just as much a mistake to go all chicken little in 2000 based on that flawed analysis as it is to go all head in the sand about this recent flawed analysis. junk science. both sides. get over it. or we'll all lose.