i recently became aware that a certain personality type has a name: right wing authoritarian. it's a horrible name. because it implies right wing politics. which isn't strictly true. and authoritarian to the layman means needs to be the boss. which also isn't the case. you can take a test to find out your rwa score. statistically speaking, people with high rwa scores have things in common. i suspected so. it's really nice to have scientific confirmation. and now to hint at explaining that joke. rwa's like clean divisions between good/bad, right/wrong, us/them. rwa's support strong leaders even if their actions are unethical or illegal. rwa's have trouble with logic problems that require separating contextual information from external knowledge. rwa's believe one of *us* should be forgiven while one of *them* should be punished fully for exactly the same offense. rwa's live in constant fear compared to non rwa's. heh. i've presented it in a way that sounds horrific. at least to people with low rwa. but really it's evolutionarily sound. as unlikely as that seems. hordes of this type make nations powerful. which is why we fear countries like iran. and they fear us.