i like traveling. exploring new places is fun. flying has always been a part of that. it's never been fun per se. but since 9/11 it's gotten to the point where i just don't want to go. i feel the same way about vegas. worse actually. at least with vegas you know everything is a show. it's all fake. it's all a facade. yet at the airport everyone goes through the motions. literally removing their shoes. as if any of this does any good. it's all theatre. very little of it keeps us safe. what does keep us safe is us. the unwritten rules have changed. now if you misbehave on a plane the passengers themselves will kick your ass. the rules on the ground have changed too. but not in a useful way. heck, i'd prefer if everyone on the plane were armed with pocket knives and knitting needles. we'd be very well served by trading the existing theatre for something useful. like bomb sniffing puppies. flying would be a lot more fun if you were greeted by a pack of puppies.