astrology is bunk. there's no way you can predict my future based on when i was born. period. astrology is a trick of the human mind that i find fascinating. it "works" often enough that people are convinced there must be something mystical and/or "scientific" to it. part of the trick is that it doesn't work for everyone. if it works for you but not others that makes you feel special. like you've got something they don't got. it's superstition. but it's a good kind of superstition. my horoscope today is (paraphrased): look forward to something good but watch out for this minor annoyance. i didn't actually check my horoscope today. when blogging that whole concept of today gets a bit fuzzy. fortunately it doesn't matter. the details vary every day. but the gist is always the same. astrology is either designed to or has evolved to give people an emotionally positive boost. and that's a good thing. you will discover something interesting today. people will try to crush your dreams. politely ignore them.