i happened to be walking down the hall when the furnace came on. it was a really nice day. so i decided to save the gas and the electricity. and i happened to be right next to the control. except i couldn't shut it off. i turned down the temperature settings. i flicked the hard switches to off. furnace kept on going. i felt like i was in a toyota. perhaps that's what made me mad. i opened the door to the furnace closet and flicked off the power switch. there. the human wins. stupid fucking machine. there might be a good reason for the furnace to want to finish its cycle once it starts. but jeebus farking christ. machines should *never* ignore a human's command to stop. what if it was on fire? or killing someone? sheehs. you wouldn't put up with that behavior from your toaster, tv, computer, or car. it's the second law of robotics for crying out loud.