atheist mates
i've previously written about how religion is a mating strategy. recap: i'll kill your unborn child along with my wife so don't even think about fucking her. but, let's look at the other side. atheism is also a mating strategy. most folks believe that strong families are a critical core pillar of a healthy society. yes, even atheists. some people start families later than others. like say because of college. humans like to have sex. so it's pretty natural for people at college to embrace a belief system that allows them to have sex but not start a family. ie atheism. or at least a suspension of the beliefs they were imbued with at church. some folks go on to say these two strategies compete with each other. but hrm. maybe with caveats. coed colleges are still a relatively new thing. the competition would be more evident when there were many extra males looking for partners, not mates. at church. cause there aren't enough "loose women" at colleges. which obviously causes all kinds of trouble. i'm kinda hoping this perceived competition between the mating strategies evaporates over time now that the college male/female populations are closer to the same size.