the recent set of storms arrived just in time for b's spring break. so he and the beautiful and talented alisa skipped town for one last ski trip. that left me home with g. we did the normal bachelor things: sleep, eat, school/work, baseball, video games. one of his little friends stayed over after baseball practice on friday. we had a scrimmage on saturday morning. his mom took g and friend to the 100th anniversay cub scout jamboree. much fun was had by all. she wanted to know what we did friday night. i, of course, lied. we dusted. you dusted? uh, huh. i tied dust rags to them. then fed them sugar and caffeine. i probably should have hidden all the breakables first though. ah well. i think i'll file a patent. and sell licenses to the franchise. dust devils. or something. i'm gonna be so rich.