so the other day g noticed all the accumulated gunk behind the refrigerator. i usually get the bigger dirtier cleaning jobs. so last weekend i attacked it. the first problem is always how to get the fridge away from the wall. you can get a good grip on the side of the door with the hinges. but the other side just opens the door. i don't want to pull the thing lopsided cause that tends to chew up the nice hardwood floors. hrm. invention time. i got a loop of clothesline. tossed it over the fridge. worked it down low. and pulled. worked like a charm. after cleaning, i duct taped the clothesline in place. so it's accessible but out of sight. the whole time i'm wondering why refrigerators don't just have handles for this very purpose. am i the only one in the world who cleans behind the fridge. hmm... fridge handles. frandles. catchy. think i'll sell em as add-ons. i'm gonna be so rich.