happy tax day
so this year we set an all time low for tax rate: -200%. yes, that's *minus* 200 percent. our real income last year was negative. we reworked our positions on the stock market. that's a nice way to say we dumped our losers. the long term capital losses exceeded all of our other (real and positive) income. total net minus. which makes the tax rate kinda silly. will have to do some sort of averaging over several years to get numbers that make sense. now, funny thing. the government doesn't let you claim that as a loss. you can only use it to offset long term capital gains in future years. pah. but wait. there's more. we exercised iso stock options for onlive. now, funny thing. the government considers this to be taxable income. presumably because it's a valuable asset i received this year. problem is, the actual value of this asset is zero. cause i can't sell it. double pah. okay so, to recap just how screwed up our tax system is. we have to pay taxes on money we didn't make. and we can't offset that with losses that we did.