sometimes the world just turns upside down. like when conservatives threaten to kill liberals cause the liberals are killing an evolution based program embraced by the conservatives. really weird, huh? i explain. health care in the past has been for the healthy and the wealthy. by healthy i mean the total amount of money you pay in exceeds the amount of money your provider pays out. and by wealthy i mean you can afford to pay your premiums. the health care system would drop you if you were expensive. either by being unhealthy or by being poor. by unhealthy i mean you are a financial loss for the health care company even if you pay your premiums. which is unlikely given that you're likely to be too sick to actually work. by poor i mean you have no skill you can sell. in either case society goes all survival of the fittest on you. and drops your coverage. you get thrown to the wolves. define natural selection. all that evolution theory put in practice. now, there's a pretty strong correlation between conservative-ness and evolution denialism. so one would expect liberals to embrace the status quo natural selection based health care. and conservatives would embrace health care reform that's more jesus-like. ie feed the hungry and minister to the sick. unless of course, the world is upside down.