burble dancing
the other day i was watching a little league game in a friendship tournament for 9 year olds. g was invited to play even though he's only 8. there were a bunch of kids. so it was already pretty crowded without him. he decided to pass. but his friend was on the team. and he was staying with us the weekend of father's day so his mother could throw a surprise party for her boyfriend. which may sound kinda off, but is really pretty cool. so anywho, it was a long tournament and i had to go pee. while using the urinal i noticed happy little feet dancing in the stall. and a lot of burbling noises. i couldn't tell if the tot was alone or not. which made me wonder if i should be concerned or not. shortly i hear pee. and some grunts and splashes. i had finished so i peeked under the wall. i was surprised at how high those little shoes were off the ground. satisfied he was alone i left. mom was at the door checking on him. it was a pretty awkward moment. how do i reassure her that her kid's okay without coming under suspicion i'm some sort of perv? fortunately he called for help and i made my escape. yeah you and i are good people. but some folks go completely whackadoodle off the deep end when someone pays too much attention to their kids. weirdly, these are the same people who leave their kids unattended in a public restroom.