usually the christian science monitor posts intelligent well reasoned well articulated positions. usually. recently they posted a piece about how judge walker got it wrong overturning prop 8. specifically what is a marriage and why do we have them. i think most people today would agree that marriage is two people mutually agreeing to share everything. their lives, money, children, responsibilities, bodies, etc. and the government recognizes this agreement in a legal context. now the csm guy argued that the primary purpose of marriage is something very different. it's to keep horny men from demanding sex from single women. and getting it. with or without consent. or consequences. and in some very limited context i would agree that that might have been one of the original purposes of marriage. back when your elders picked your mate for you. and still possibly in places where horny men can demand sex from single women. and get it without consent or fear of consequences. but jeezum crow. we live in a modern society. one that protects those that can't protect themselves. let's just close the book on that archaic definition of marriage. and replace it with one that's somewhat less barbaric.