so did the past few post sound kinda similar? they should. people vote for whoever makes them the most afraid. which is startling actually. it makes one wonder how the heck democracy can possibly work. it's been 150 years since the emancipation proclamation and we still don't have that whole black/white thing fully worked out. women's suffrage went a lot faster and smoother. it's been 50 years since the 60's. and the stoners are finally getting to the age where the anti-drug prunes have all gotten old and died off. up until recently it's been illegal to study marijuana. and guess what? as soon as we did we discovered that this thing really does has medically active ingredients. fuck, we could have had that life improving medicine decades ago. except some politician made you afraid so he could get elected. maybe it's time someone ran on a platform of we have nothing to fear but fear itself. and maybe politicians peddling fear.