bomb bomb bomb iran
i think we bombed iran. not with jamie wants big boom kind of bombs. but with a trojan far more sophisticated than anything ever seen in the wild. a polite trojan that did nothing except slowly propagate looking for its target. unlike most malware that targets consumer and corporate computers, this one went for industrial control computers. the ones that control pretty much everything in a manufacturing plant. or nuclear power plant. also atypically, it operated without instructions from home. it used exploits that no one previously knew existed. scary stuff. way way beyond organized crime. the list of folks that could create such a thing is pretty short: the us, japan, china, russia, brittain, south korea, israel, microsoft, google, maybe a few others. iran seems to be the epicenter of infections. and their nuclear plant has been delayed for unspecified reasons. dang. let's pretend obama did it. the game has seriously changed. it's no longer a war of guns. or a cold war of words. it's now the first known cyber war. iran has promised retaliation with no limits. i'm not real excited about the idea of religious fanatics for an enemy. but whatever they did would like be overt. which would justify a bush style war. and incidentally making the incumbent president very popular. if iran really wanted to play dirty by attacking the general population, so should we. and we should keep the territory formerly known as iran. rename it timmersia. booya.