anyone remember demosthenes and locke? valentine and peter wiggin? ender's sister and brother who didn't have the killer instinct to go to battle skool and kill all the alien buggers? anyone? anyone? bueller? heh. the beautiful and talented alisa read ender's game to b recently. it's still a pretty darn good book. someone on the internet was dissing the book cause they claimed card got the internet thing all wrong. peter and valentine decided to publish opinion pieces on the net and since they were so well thought out and rational they should obviously be given control of the world and avoid a war even though they were 12. so this time through i paid attention to the actual events in the book instead of what someone on the internet said happened in the book. and yeah orson scott clearly underestimated the ease at which the internet can propagate misinformation. but peter was expecting the rational locke position to immediately be recognized for the brilliance that it was. instead the demosthenes position rocketed to stardom first. in the book, the locke proposal was eventually adopted. but only when the alternative was earth-wide civil war. sanity won out in the end. will that happen in real life? we'll just have to wait and see.