stamp ons
would you like to buy some postage stamps? this is what the cashier at office depot asked me. i looked down at my purchases, printer ink cartridges and poster board, and wondered what the fuck made her think i wanted some goddam postage stamps? i breathed and said no. curtly. she ran off to fetch my ink cartridges from the secure cabinet. yacked with a co-worker about her adorable daughter and son in miniature football gear running around the store. she started to ask me the stamp question again. but stopped when she remembered she already had. at least i assume she was going to ask me about stamps. she might have a list of random items they try to turn into impulse sales. you can probably guess how i feel about impulse sales. i don't have a problem with the question at the grocery store, did you find everything okay today? the impulse sale is obscured by the apparent desire to provide me with better service. which is cool. trying to sell me crap at the door is just dumb. it means the management doesn't understand their business. which means i should buy my paper and ink somewhere else.