trouble comes in threes. b's bicycle was stolen while he was at wrestling practice. my video card died. and the lawnmower won't spin. sigh. someone went shopping for expensive bicycles with cheap locks. it looks like they broke it with a screwdriver and a rock. wee. he rides his bike to school every day. losing even this small amount of mobility is going to be sorely inconvenient. he's off camping with the boy scouts this weekend. he'll get home just in time for a baseball game. he's got wrestling practice every day after school. and he needs his first pair of wrestling shoes. wee. guess we'll go bike and shoe shopping monday and wednesday evenings this week. we're going to spend more on the lock and less on the bike this time. maybe paint it pink or tie dyed. who'd want to steal that? heh. the lawnmower has been slowly giving up the ghost. it released its last hold on life this morning. yeah we could probably clean the brushes and contacts one more time. but it takes longer to do that than to actually mow the lawn. so that doesn't seem like a good idea. my mac/pc has two video cards. so while i'm seriously cramped with only one 1920x1200 monitor. i can get useful work done. it's going to be an expensive weekend. wee. at least we got g's compucomputer installed on his bicycle. now if only we could find the booklet explaining how to program it. sigh.