g's been hiding in his room. it's pretty easy. his young eyes adjust quickly and my old ones don't. so hiding is pretty much standing still. he waits 'til i climb in bed and discover he's not there then he jumps on me. BOO! yeah yeah got me ninja boy. you'd think with all that practice i would have not been ambushed by a prius. heh. yep. it sneaked up on me when i was riding my bike. it was in its super quiet all electric mode. i heard a rumor of rules coming down that would require electric cars to play noise that makes them sound like an internal combustion engine. that sounds pretty stupid to me. instead, all cars should have adjustable horns. from a polite meep meep you'd use to alert granny that she should get off the driveway but you don't want to frighten her so badly she flings her grocery bags everywhere. to the blasting HOOOOONNNNKKK!!!! you'd use for the phone sexting i-hole that just cut you off.