all the advice you got about dealing with bullies is wrong. uh oh. i thought. then i read the article. hrm. seems like journalists got different advice from what i got when we were kids. ignoring a bully just leads to continued bullying. failing to tell a trusted teacher means you are well and truly on your own. course you can't really stand up to a bully. cause the bully picked you cause he's pretty sure he can kick your ass. which means you have to stand up to them without actually getting in a fight. i usually went for confusion. bullies generally aren't the brightest bulbs in the basket. comebacks like: no but your face is. or that's what she said. or did you know that when you fight your testicles get pulled up into your body where they overheat and stop producing the hormones that make you penis grow. hee hee. those work pretty well. as does laughing hysterically a la better off dead. then there's the negotiation strategy. STOP! what kind of fight is this? boxing? karate? okay let's go. STOP! headbutts? okay. STOP! you understand that we're entering a mutually combative situation, right? and you agree to be responsible for your own injuries. my injuries? hahahahahah! sure. you could trip and fall on your untied shoelace. points at shoe. looks down. SHMACK!!! runs like hell to the principal's office. heh. course my favorite is... there's a book called ender's game. you should read it.