a long time ago the sf giants agreed to play host for the cub scouts and boy scouts for one of their games at the end of the season. how were they supposed to know they'd be locked in an exciting race for first place with the padres? they also happen to be playing them at home for the last three games of the season. our pack got to see a good game. we lost but oh well. we're fighting for the privilege of being crushed by the yankees. but that's not what i want to talk about. it was a good day. it started with g and g's friend r playing half a soccer game. r scored two goals. made them look easy. g scored the best goal though. top shelf off the cross bar over the goalie. damn nice kick. we hustled out of there and off to the city. no traffic until we got there. a nice police officer had blocked off the rightmost lane. so we stopped in front of his cones and unloaded 3 scouts and me. the beautiful and talented alisa returned home to watch the game on tv and enjoy a day all to herself. we joined the tailgate party. i stood in line for a hot dog, a burger, and a cheeseburger. r's mom stood in line for the patches. after lunch, we entered the stadium to get our orange rally towel. there was no line. we got our hands stamped and hung out until it was time to assemble at the right field gate. there was an unpleasant scout leader lady telling everyone they had to go to the end of the line. cause people were waiting for an hour and a half. i knew she was lying cause there was no line when we walked past less than an hour ago. but we fought our way past the line that was trying to grow backwards. which just seemed dumb. eventually they opened the gate right in front of us. so we ended up being the first ones in. cool. scouts were marching by and marching by. and then the opera lady started to sing the national anthem. and there were still 100 or so scouts outside the stadium. including the obnoxious leader lady. doh. then the long line of scouts turned around and marched out the field gate and formed a new line to go in a gate that led to the seats. kinda weird but that was the way of things. since we already had our hands stamped we walked past the long line and stood in the short line for people re-entering. we only missed the first half of the first half inning. we got to see the sf pitcher walk in a second run. ouch. that turned out to be the margin of victory. double ouch. our luck held on the way out too. the game ended on a double play. and i got the scouts going while some 42k people kinda stood around hoping maybe for a do over or something. we walked down the ramp. the stairs were stoppered. and the escalator was slow. so it was kinda optimal. cool. then we walked a couple of blocks to the train station. where we got on an express train. and less than an hour later, we were home. it was a good day.