money floats
if i said water ran uphill or bubbles sank to the bottom of the sea you'd laugh at me. cause you know better. hrm. so when people say money will trickle down from the top... laugh at them. cause you know better. money floats to the top. like in poker. if i start the night with twice as many chips as you, most likely i'm going home up and you're going home down. the role of government is to remove money from the top and put it back into the system at the bottom. most of our economic measures reflect how fast money moves through the system. shovel money faster and it bubbles up faster. economic indicators go crazy. everyone calls this a good thing. if we stop taking money from the top, we'll reach an equilibrium. money will stop flowing. and indicators will tank. kinda like what's happening now. the fix is pretty easy. tax the rich. and yeah, some folks are gonna be unhappy. and it won't work out exactly as foreseen. but it's gonna be a lot better than the status quo road to nowhere.