the phelps case is making its way to the supreme court. i am surprised by the sc's bizarro rulings often enough that i'm also surprised when they hand one down in line with my version of common sense. see some of my rants err postings about the eminent domain fiasco. i didn't even bother touching the unlimited campaign spending thing. sometimes you have to limit someone's free speech so that others can have free speech too. anywho. let me exercise my right to free speech on this case about when i can exercise my right to free speech. i don't have a problem with some nameless blogger saying, thank god for dead phelpses. yep, god is punishing us for cutting taxes on the rich by killing members of religious cults. hey, it's no dumber than the phelps' actual honest to god position. anywho. i don't have a problem with said blogger singling out an individual phelps as opposed to an anonymous member of the class of phelpses. like, thank god fred phelps is dead. not even sure i'd object to protests at fred phelps' funeral. he's the distinguished leader of this cult and as such isn't entitled to all of the same protections as the generic phelps. i do have an objection to protesting joe phelps' funeral. now, i don't know if there is a real joe phelps or not. i kinda hope not. cause the fewer phelpses there are, the better. and no that's not an endorsement to go kill a phelps. sheehs. anywho, when i go to joe phelps' funeral, i'm not just expressing an opinion any more. i am intentionally causing distress in the hopes of provoking a possibly violent reaction. hey, lady! your kid is dead! praise god! hahahahahah! this is a form of speech not protected by the first amendment. and i should be liable for any damages i cause. including the emotional pain and suffering of momma phelps. and my own medical bills when someone helpfully corrects my misinterpretation of god's will and the constitution with a crowbar to the face.