the last book i read was about a king who was seriously unhappy. he didn't really want to run the kingdom. he just wanted to conquer all the other kings and be the only king. he was a pretty good conquerer. but a pretty sucky king. what he needed was a competent person to run the kingdom. course that person stabbed him in the back. and now he's a dead king. so tying these thoughts to yesterday's post. we like the political show. it's fun. it's the ultimate reality show. but jesus christ. you're giving these mud slinging power hunger camera loving freaks control over your life. how did we get in such a dumb situation? heh. better, what do we do about it? vote moderate? heh. right. name a moderate candidate. betcha can't. we need to separate the reality show from the real power. entertain us junkies with our election fix. but quietly put someone competent in charge. and and and. and i wish for the nile.