gay priests
there's a report floating around the internet that much of the catholic church's clergy is gay. well, there's a shock. it's a lot easier to take a vow of celibacy if you don't have the urge to fuck some hos. it'd be like w taking a holy vow to forever give up broccoli. so why is the church so homophobic? people who can't accept what they are tend to lash out at what they are. as if they need the constant strong conditioning that they are not that. and that is bad. despite what their self says. you know, if it was just a society of unhappy closet homos, i'd have no issue. the problem is, this group has a huge amount of influence. and their unhappiness is making other people unhappy. by hording wealth. by encouraging poverty and disease by prohibiting the use of condoms. sigh. timmer for pope.