microsoft and i really don't see eye to eye. case in point. i find the continuous updates irritating. but i suppose, a necessary evil. so i'm inclined to put on my big boy pants and shut my pie hole. except... one of today's "important" updates was for games. wtf? yeah, i play games on this computer. but sheehs. not the crap that comes bundled with the os. i really don't need yet more ways for the bad guys to infiltrate my computer. i really don't need yet more files that have to be scanned for viruses. get a fucking clue for crying out loud. i shovel money into the microsoft truck with frightening regularity. if you're really serious about keeping my computer safe, then don't go poking holes in the defenses. don't go wearing out my hard drive with endless scans. don't run up my electric bill cause the cpu's running hot all the time. sheehs. timmer for ceo.