state state
california government is in kind of an interesting state. the democrats own the governor and both houses. now, the scary thing about letting democrats run the show is the policy of tax-and-spend. or worse, borrow-and-spend. but... it takes a 2/3rds super majority to raise taxes. but only a simple 50% majority to lower them. it takes a 2/3rds super majority to borrow money. it takes a 2/3rds super majority for gullible voters to pass bond measures. which they pretty much always did no matter how badly it stank of pork. so what are we really looking at here? the democrats are going to have to do one of two things. cut spending on popular programs. and take a severe political hit. or cut faustian deals with the republicans to fund their precious programs. the republicans are owned by the super rich. who will say anything to get votes. and apparently the more ridiculous the better. a la tea party. sheehs. so i predict higher taxes for the middle class. lower taxes for the rich. deregulation of business. and pork pork pork pork pork. it'll be just like the republicans are in charge. except they won't pay the political capital. oddly, in california, it's better to be the minority party. weird.