super rich gap
some people say the ever growing rich poor gap is perfectly normal and no big deal. other people say it's a shocking embarrassment that will lead to economic collapse and civil war. who's right? well, they're both part right. which in my book makes them both wrong. i explain. let's say you're born poor. like live in a trailer park. you go to public school and educate yourself. learn some skills. work hard. by the end of your life you've accumulated a few million dollars. you die rich. yes there's a huge gap between the haves and the have nots. but it can be explained away by education determination and mostly age. ie you've had time to accumulate wealth. practically anyone can do it. so where's the problem? our hypothetical person has experienced ever increasing tax rate. which is good. lots of studies show progressive taxes the most fair in the sense that your wealth correlates with your productivity. funny thing happens when the kid is born with a $10 million dollar trust fund. this kid doesn't need to do shit. drinks his way through a private college. sits on the board of directors of a few companies. contributes nothing. but rakes in the dough. lives with a lavish lifestyle. and dies with a pile of gold big enough each of his kids start with a $10m trust fund. how does this happen? it's hard to believe, but his tax rate actually goes down as he collects wealth. anti-progressive. it's ever easier for him to collect wealth. which is really pretty un-american. i'm all in favor of the rich poor gap. i think that's a good thing. i'm all torqued about the rich super rich gap. that thing is really bad for all of us. even the super rich. heh. especially the super rich. cause it's their noble heads that feed the guillotine when the ignorant masses overrun the bastille.