unless you've been in a snow cave for the past week, you know that someone suffered a psychotic break and killed a bunch of people at a political meet and greet. there are two features of life in the united states that made this possible. the second amendment to bear arms. and the presumption of innocence. together they mean that we sane people can't legally take guns away from crazy people until after they've abused the right to own guns. by say, going on a mass murder bender, for example. there's going to be renewed talk about gun control. but in the end nothing will change. there will be more such tragedies. and some folks will say this is a bad thing. and it might be. but this is how the system works. there's a bunch of public figures thinking but for the grace of god it might have been them with a bullet in the face. and maybe they'll have a second thought or three before passing yet more bills that make people unhappier. crazy people. armed crazy people. legally armed crazy people.