blood libel
blood libel refers to lies told by christians about jews. specifically that jews would steal christian children for sacrifices. it's very strange for a politician to remind us that christians such as herself are lying sacks of shit. i guess democrats are the lying christians and palin is the innocent jew. which kinda makes my head hurt. but okay. the other weird thing is the ancient accusation was false. whereas the modern one is more/less true. ms palin really does use violent rhetoric. which really does push what's socially acceptable towards barbarism. which makes people think it really is okay to shoot people in the face. which it's clearly not. at least not in a civilized society. to say ms palin is innocent is the same as saying the tobacco companies are innocent of causing lung cancer. you can't prove that cigarettes caused this particular death. you can't prove that rap music caused this cop to be shot. but you sure can prove it in a statistical sense. take away tobacco and fewer people die. same with the rhetoric. she's guilty. same as some rappers. same as big tobacco. same as iran when they chant death to america. it's pretty much the same thing.