we had a tiny christmas tree this year. we were afraid the kittehs might try to climb a full sized one. we put it on the glass table. instead they tried to eat it. it was too small for lights. so we hung lights all over the big room ceiling. they were attached to the rafters with the hook tack thingies usually used for telephone and internet cables. anywho, b was on the step stool with a pliers removing them. or trying to. the pliers slipped out of his hand and landed smack on the glass table. cracking it. inside. weird. the crack doesn't go all the way through to the top or bottom surface. both are still perfectly smooth. i'm guessing the table top has three layers. the outer layers are more flexible. the inner layer is strong but brittle. the outer layers hold the inner layer together when a twelve year old drops a pliers on it from ceiling height. i've had that table for some 23 years. good design. science is our bitch.