okay so yesterday i bashed mac. today we're back to bashing windows. old habits die hard. the pc was sleeping. how does one wake it up? move the mouse. okay. after a few seconds the mouse lights flicker. flip the hard power switches for the monitors. wait for them to fire up. okay. now it says press control-alt-delete. well first, it's a mac keyboard. so there's no alt key. one can try the option and apple keys. there's only two combos. not too bad. the control key is the same. but here's where we run into the difficulty. delete doesn't mean the key labelled delete. it means the key labelled del. got it? it's a different key between the regular keyboard and the numeric keypad. don't ask me where it might be if the keyboard doesn't have a numpad. anywho. so on a normal mac keyboard, control-alt-delete means control-option-del-not-delete. except on my keyboard. i edited the registry to swap the option and apple keys so the alt and windows keys would physically be where they are on windows keyboards. so on my keyboard control-alt-delete means control-apple-del-not-delete. got it? after that it's a piece of cake to guess which of several users you're supposed to use. and the password of course. then you'll be in business.