i had a list of stuff to make over christmas. the spoiled kittehs of course needed a cat tree. this one stretches 3 meters from floor to celing. it has six landings. and room at the top for a little house like structure. it's still under construction. gluing the scrap carpet to the platforms takes all of the clamps we have in the house. so we're doing one platform per day. slow. the other thing i made was a clothes hanger. we pull clothes out of the dryer before they are completely dry. then we hang them up in the garage when it's warm. and in the library when it's cold. like now. the problem is, we often run out of places to hang. we have two bookcases firmly attached to the wall with a 10 cm gap between them. i made a cam with a hole in it that just fits between them. the curtain rod goes in the hole. the weight of the clothes levers the cam up. the pivot side of the cam has a no slip pad on it. the other side has slippery tape. so the thing rotates and jams itself more firmly into the gap. it's an invention. gonna patent it. i'm gonna be so rich.