how easy is it to twist stats to your advantage? easy peasy. the cbo released a report estimating that half a million or so employed people will be able to retire because they can now afford health insurance. apparently, before obamacare they only kept their jobs so they could keep their insurance. somehow this got twisted into obamacare will cost half a million jobs. wtf? half a million people will *choose* to retire and leave their jobs. that's very different from saying half a million jobs will disappear. those jobs will still be there. ready to be filled by people currently collecting unemployment. leaving fewer people unemployed. seems like in practical terms, obamacare will lower the jobless rate. cause retired people aren't looking for jobs. they're retired. and don't count as unemployed. as an added benefit, companies can replace high wage senior people with lower wage junior people. younger cheaper to insure people. which should have a double good effect on the company's bottom line.