conditional love
if my love was a _______... heh. the beautiful and talented alisa rather likes poety. i was not born under a rhyming planet. she likes dancing. i tend to ignore the music and practice martial arts on the spastic looking people flailing about around me. which really is not a good idea. what on earth are we doing together? heh. puzzles for one. word games, too. and two. heh. the latest creation is as close to poetry as i get. fill in the blank in the first line of the post with a random word. then finish the sentence. or for more fun fill in the blank and have your soul mate finish the sentence. for example... her: if my love was chocolate... him: you'd live in the shade cause i'd be so fat i'd blot the sun. so far my favorite is this. her: if my love was a star... him: we'd wear sunglasses at night. hey, you do what works for you. and i'll do what works for me. plus it's really good practice for the inevitable, "do you love me?" and "how much do you love me?" questions. enjoy.