according to a a court in florida, obamacare is illegal because the constitution doesn't give the federal government the right to require the purchase of a product from a private company. works for me. but let's continue. the past eight commanders in chief have prosecuted wars without a formal declaration of war from congress. which according to the constitution is required. so let's immediately withdraw from iraq and afghanistan. that'd make me pretty happy to give up obamacare. but wait, there's more. executive privilege is not in the constitution. we the people would be way way way better off if we restored the system of checks and balances envisioned by the founding fathers. and took away the shield the executive branch uses to hide incompetence and malfeasance. but wait, there's even more. the feds have the power to regulate interstate commerce. what say we restrict that power to actual honest to goodness commerce (selling trading buying) of good across physical state borders. like say if i grow dope in california and sell it in nevada. sure. works for me. but the feds should have no jurisdiction when the product is grown on my private property and never leaves my property much less the state. and the product is never bought sold traded or engaged in commerce in any way. feds get out. the state on the other hand, may have the power to bust my ass. okay running out of indignant steam. here's a parting shot. you have only the rights you can defend. you couldn't defend any of the rights i've listed. what makes you think you can defend yourself from being unconstitutionally forced to buy health insurance?