i've heard something really good from different police forces around the country. policies are slowly going into effect that people filming officers performing their duties are not to be interfered with. i believe the trend started before egypt made it very clear why it's a bad idea for people to not trust the police. anywho, cameras have a calming effect. often times an officer gets caught up in the excitement of the moment. and while trying to do good, his excitement ends up actually making things worse. it riles up the other guy too. the calming effect of cameras protects both cops and civilians. things are much much less likely to escalate out of control if both sides know they're being filmed. heh. it's kinda hard to claim that *he* started it when the camera clearly shows you sucker punched him first. the ubiquitousness of cameras means that many punches are never thrown in the first place. i really don't understand why any law enforcement organization would be opposed to third party civilian surveillance. unless of course, the organization is corrupt. then we'll have an la moment. or a chicago moment.